One of the key issues which website builder resellers often face is they don’t know where to start. You are often left with a blank screen and nothing comes to mind. Before jumping into conclusions, here are 4 ways which can help you design an effective website for your client:
Plan Before you start
A website is the most important index of any company. It reflects the way website visitors draw conclusions about the business. So before heading onto the website building part, resellers need to work on the plans. It is the website that can make or break a business deal. The resellers need to understand from their clients as to how they want the website to be, its theme, what all pages should be created and the purpose of the website. Different websites serve different purposes. Few websites serve as an e-commerce platform whereas few others just serve as an information provider. Resellers need to understand the purpose of the website first and then build plans around it.
Competitor Analysis
Understand the look and feel of the competitors’ websites and take out positives and negatives from them. The website needs to have a unique look and feel that is entirely different from what the competitors are offering. Try to focus on the shortcomings of your competitors’ websites and convert them into striking positives for the website you are building.
Point out the Differentiating factor
Each and every business is often associated with a differentiating factor. Resellers need to make sure that they build the website highlighting these special points. For some businesses, it might be the cost-effectiveness and for some, it might be the customisability. Right from the theme selection to the content part, this differentiating factor needs to be brought to light whenever possible.
Listen to your Customers
In case you get a client who isn’t satisfied with his current website and wants to a total revamp. In such cases, the reseller needs to understand why the client isn’t happy with the existing website and what their customers feel about the website. The voice of the customers is critical to any business. The way they react to each and every page of the website tells volumes about the business.
If you looking for the best white label website builder to build exquisite websites for your customers, make sure you take into account the above-mentioned points. There are plenty of private label website builders available in the market right now. However, a reseller should opt for the website builder reseller program that offers multiple features, higher customisability and is future-proof.